Lufta e Tretë Botërore më 13 maj’2017
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Lufta e Tretë Botërore më 13 maj’2017
‘Lufta e Tretë Botërore do të fillojë më 13 maj’!
Horasio Vilegas, njeriu që e ka parashikuar fitoren e Donald Trampit në zgjedhjet presidenciale amerikane, tani pohon se Lufta e Tretë Botërore do të fillojë më 13 maj, bëri të ditur tabloidi londinez “Miror onlajn”.
Ai është i bindur se ajo do të jetë luftë bërthamore, që do të zgjasë deri më 13 tetor.
“Njerëzit duhet të jenë të gatshëm duke e pasur parasysh atë çka na presin shkatërrime, goditje dhe vdekje”, thekson Vilegas.
Tabloidi thekson se Vilegas paraprakisht ka parashikuar se presidenti amerikan do ta sulmojë Sirinë.
Vilegas gjithashtu parashikon se raporti botëror i fuqive do t’i vendosë Rusinë, Kinën dhe Korenë Veriore në konflikte globale me pasoja vdekjeprurëse.
‘Lufta e Tretë Botërore do të fillojë më 13 maj’!
Horasio Vilegas, njeriu që e ka parashikuar fitoren e Donald Trampit në zgjedhjet presidenciale amerikane, tani pohon se Lufta e Tretë Botërore do të fillojë më 13 maj, bëri të ditur tabloidi londinez “Miror onlajn”.
Ai është i bindur se ajo do të jetë luftë bërthamore, që do të zgjasë deri më 13 tetor.
“Njerëzit duhet të jenë të gatshëm duke e pasur parasysh atë çka na presin shkatërrime, goditje dhe vdekje”, thekson Vilegas.
Tabloidi thekson se Vilegas paraprakisht ka parashikuar se presidenti amerikan do ta sulmojë Sirinë.
Vilegas gjithashtu parashikon se raporti botëror i fuqive do t’i vendosë Rusinë, Kinën dhe Korenë Veriore në konflikte globale me pasoja vdekjeprurëse.
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Re: Lufta e Tretë Botërore më 13 maj’2017
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Third World War will begin on May 13, 2017? Mystic Horacio Villegas claims World War III to be a nuclear war
By Aishwarya Krishnan | Updated: April 28, 2017 11:45 AM IST
The bad news is that the world is about to be bathed in nuclear fire, as World War 3 erupts on May 13, a mystic has claimed.
Sadly, the way the news has been going, this no longer even seems that implausible.
The prediction comes from a self-styled clairvoyant who claims to have accurately predicted the rise of Donald Trump, based on his readings of the Bible.
Horacio VIllegas said that he has had a dream where he, ‘saw balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth’.
‘I believe these were symbolic of the nuclear missiles that will fall on cities and people throughout the world.
Home > Buzz
Third World War will begin on May 13, 2017? Mystic Horacio Villegas claims World War III to be a nuclear war
Clairvoyant Horacio Villegas also predicted the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential elections.
By Aishwarya Krishnan | Updated: April 28, 2017 11:45 AM IST
The biggest fear that most people have is the beginning of the Third World War. As the memories of the devastation caused by World War II are still fresh, people cannot stop speculation about the beginning of the third world war. The date for World War III has been predicted amidst this tension by Clairvoyant Horacio Villegas. The self proclaimed ‘Messenger of God’ has said that their World War will be nuclear and begin on May 13, 2017. The mystic who predicted Donald Trump‘s victory in the US presidential elections claims that he had a vision about this catastrophic event. His vision predicts that on the 100th anniversary of the visitation of Our Lady of Fatima, May 13, 2017, World War III will begin. This prediction has left various believers in a state of distress.
Horacio Villegas has made various predictions to date revolving around the United States President Donald Trump and had prophesied that Trump would attack Syria. Villegas prediction does not end there. The clairvoyant who had the vision in a dream revealed that he saw ‘balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth.’ Villegas claimed that President Trump will be named as the ‘Illuminati King’ and will begin the third world war. The self-proclaimed supernatural being claimed that North Korea would be the next target for the United States of America. North Korea warns United States, says ‘we are ready for war’.
The tension between the US and North Korea are extremely high as the countries as pitting against each other. The recent attack on Syria which was planned and executed caused a lot of distress between North Korea, China and Russia. North Korea had already warned the US to stay away from them when they tried to pressure around the Nuclear weapons in North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un recently warned that they have a super-mighty pre-emptive strike planned.
President Donald Trump is not taking this warning lightly and has warned of a possibility of a “major conflict”. The United States President said that if the diplomatic way fails, the matters will deteriorate quickly. In this time, the North Korean forces have turned to ASEAN for support and help in putting an end to the fear of “nuclear holocaust.”
Horacio Villegas’ vision, therefore, causes a lot of tension as people contemplate the possibility of another world war, and this time a nuclear one. The exact date being predicted by the self-proclaimed seer marks the 100th anniversary of the Visitation of Virgin Mary. According to beliefs, the Virgin Mary has visited Fatima in Portugal on six different occasions, and the last visit was marked on May 13, 1917. Our Lady had announced the end of World War during this visit and asked the soldiers to return home soon.
The clairvoyant has made various other prophecies and has claimed to have visions in the past as well. Horacio Villegas claimed that he was kept single by the almighty above with no children so that he can focus on delivering God’s messages to his people. According to him, “The main message that people need to know in order be prepared is that between May 13th and October 13, 2017, this war will occur and be over with much devastation, shock and dea
World War 3 will begin on May 13 – and it’s going to go nuclear, mystic claims
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We have some good news, and some bad news: the good news is that you probably won’t need to bother with Christmas presents this year.Read more: [size=10][/size]
The bad news is that the world is about to be bathed in nuclear fire, as World War 3 erupts on May 13, a mystic has claimed.
Sadly, the way the news has been going, this no longer even seems that implausible.
The prediction comes from a self-styled clairvoyant who claims to have accurately predicted the rise of Donald Trump, based on his readings of the Bible.
Horacio VIllegas said that he has had a dream where he, ‘saw balls of fire falling from the sky and hitting the Earth’.
‘I believe these were symbolic of the nuclear missiles that will fall on cities and people throughout the world.
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Published Date: April 28, 2017 10:26 AM IST | Updated Date: April 28, 2017 11:45 AM ISTcommen
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