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Lista e emrave te presidenteve ne amerike

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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:04

William McKinley
Presidential Number: 25th
Years he was President: 1897-1901
State Represented: Ohio
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): He became the leading Republican tariff expert in Congress. He died in office.

Birthday: January 29, 1843
School(s) attended: Allegheny College, Albany Law School
Wife: Ida McKinley
Occupation(s) before he was President: County prosecutor, Army Officer in the Civil War
Other way(s) he served: Governor of Ohio, Congress
Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Riding, swimming, walking
Pets: Mexican yellow parrot, roosters

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Train
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter. telegram
U.S. Population when term began: 75,994,575
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 45


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:04

Theodore Roosevelt
Presidential Number: 26th
Years he was President: 1901--1909
State Represented: New York
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): Born and died in New York. First president to ride in a car while president.

Birthday: October 27, 1858
School(s) attended: Harvard University, Columbia University Law School
Wife: Alice Roosevelt, first wife, Edith Roosevelt, second wife
Occupation(s) before he was President: Officer in the National Guard, New York police commissioner
Other way(s) he served: Governor of New York, Vice President, Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Height: 5 feet, 10 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Boxing, hunting, jujitsu, riding, shooting, tennis, wrestling
Pets: Macaw, Ponies

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter. telegram
U.S. Population when term began: 75,994,575
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 46


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:05

William Taft
Presidential Number: 27th
Years he was President: 1909--1913
State Represented: Ohio
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): Improved the economy and helped to build the government of the Philippines. He was the son of a distinguished judge. He preferred law to politics.
Birthday: September 15, 1857
School(s) attended: Yale College, Cincinnati Law School
Wife: Helen Taft
Occupation(s) before he was President: Federal circuit judge, professor of law at Yale
Other way(s) he served: Secretary of War
Height: 6 feet
Favorite Foods: Turle Soup
Hobbies or Sports: Golf, riding
Pets: Cow named Pauline Wayne

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car, train
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter. telegram
U.S. Population when term began: 95,972,266
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:05

Lista e emrave te presidenteve ne amerike - Page 2 Ww28

Woodrow Wilson
Presidential Number: 28th
Years he was President: 1913-1921
State Represented: New Jersey
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He was a good student in college. His first wife died while he was president.
Birthday: December 28, 1856
School(s) attended: Princeton University, University of Virginia Law School, Johns Hopkins University
Wife: Ellen Wilson, first wife. Edith Wilson, second wife
Occupation(s) before he was President: College Professor, historian and political scientist, president of Princeton University
Other way(s) he served: Governor of New Jersey
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Golf, riding, swimming, walking
Pets: Sheep on the White House lawn

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car, boat
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter. telegram
U.S. Population when term began: 91,972,266
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48

Dernière édition par le Dim 6 Mai - 9:22, édité 1 fois


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:05

Warren Harding
Presidential Number: 29th
Years he was President: 1921-1923
State Represented: Ohio
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): He had gray hair. He died with a heart attack while president.

Birthday: November 2, 1865
School(s) attended: Ohio Central College
Wife: Florence Harding
Occupation(s) before he was President: Insurance Salesman, reporter, newspaper publisher
Other way(s) he served: US Senator
Height: 6 feet
Hobbies or Sports: Golf, horseback riding
Pets: Dog, an Airedale named Laddie Boy

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter. telegram
U.S. Population when term began: 105,710,620
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:06

Calvin Coolidge
Presidential Number: 30th
Years he was President: 1923-1929
State Represented: Massachusetts
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): His name was "Silent Cal."

Birthday: July 4, 1872
School(s) attended: Amherst College
Wife: Grace Coolidge
Occupation(s) before he was President: Lawyer
Other way(s) he served: Mayor of North Hampton, Massachusetts, Governor of Massachusetts
Height: 5 feet, 10 inches
Favorite Foods: Pancakes
Hobbies or Sports: Fishing, golf, mechanical horse, pitching hay, trapshooting
Pets: Dog named Rob Roy

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car, train
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, letters
U.S. Population when term began: 105,775,046


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:06

Herbert Hoover
Presidential Number: 31st
Years he was President: 1929-1933
State Represented: California
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): After World War I, he was a member of the Supreme Economic Council and head of the American Relief Administration.

Birthday: August 10, 1874
School(s) attended: Stanford University
Wife: Lou Hoover
Occupation(s) before he was President: Engineer, administrator. Served in Army.
Other way(s) he served: Secretary of Commerce
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Favorite Foods: Sweet potatoes with toasted marshmallows
Hobbies or Sports: Medicine ball
Pets: Dog named King Tut

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Car, train
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, letters
U.S. Population when term began: 122,775,046
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:07

Lista e emrave te presidenteve ne amerike - Page 2 Fr32
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Presidential Number: 32nd
Years he was President: 1933-1945
State Represented: New York
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): Led during Depression and World War II. First president to ride in an airplane while president.

Birthday: January 30, 1882
School(s) attended: Harvard University, Columbia Law School
Wife: Eleanor Roosevelt
Occupation(s) before he was President: Lawyer
Other way(s) he served: Governer of New York, Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Favorite Foods: Pancakes, fish, cabbage, sweet potatoes with toasted marshmallows
Hobbies or Sports: Sailing, stamp collecting, swimming
Pets: Dog, a Scottish Terrier named Fala

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Airplane, Car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, letters
U.S. Population when term began: 122,775,046
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48


Woodrow Wilson

Like Roosevelt before him, Woodrow Wilson regarded himself as the personal representative of the people. "No one but the President," he said, "seems to be expected ... to look out for the general interests of the country." He developed a program of progressive reform and asserted international leadership in building a new world order. In 1917 he proclaimed American entrance into World War I a crusade to make the world "safe for democracy."

Wilson had seen the frightfulness of war. He was born in Virginia in 1856, the son of a Presbyterian minister who during the Civil War was a pastor in Augusta, Georgia, and during Reconstruction a professor in the charred city of Columbia, South Carolina.

After graduation from Princeton (then the College of New Jersey) and the University of Virginia Law School, Wilson earned his doctorate at Johns Hopkins University and entered upon an academic career. In 1885 he married Ellen Louise Axson.

President Bush Biography
Vice President Cheney Biography
Laura Bush Biography
Lynne Cheney Biography

Wilson advanced rapidly as a conservative young professor of political science and became president of Princeton in 1902.

His growing national reputation led some conservative Democrats to consider him Presidential timber. First they persuaded him to run for Governor of New Jersey in 1910. In the campaign he asserted his independence of the conservatives and of the machine that had nominated him, endorsing a progressive platform, which he pursued as governor.

He was nominated for President at the 1912 Democratic Convention and campaigned on a program called the New Freedom, which stressed individualism and states' rights. In the three-way election he received only 42 percent of the popular vote but an overwhelming electoral vote.

Wilson maneuvered through Congress three major pieces of legislation. The first was a lower tariff, the Underwood Act; attached to the measure was a graduated Federal income tax. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act provided the Nation with the more elastic money supply it badly needed. In 1914 antitrust legislation established a Federal Trade Commission to prohibit unfair business practices.

Another burst of legislation followed in 1916. One new law prohibited child labor; another limited railroad workers to an eight-hour day. By virtue of this legislation and the slogan "he kept us out of war," Wilson narrowly won re-election.

But after the election Wilson concluded that America could not remain neutral in the World War. On April 2,1917, he asked Congress for a declaration of war on Germany.

Massive American effort slowly tipped the balance in favor of the Allies. Wilson went before Congress in January 1918, to enunciate American war aims--the Fourteen Points, the last of which would establish "A general association of nations...affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike."

After the Germans signed the Armistice in November 1918, Wilson went to Paris to try to build an enduring peace. He later presented to the Senate the Versailles Treaty, containing the Covenant of the League of Nations, and asked, "Dare we reject it and break the heart of the world?"

But the election of 1918 had shifted the balance in Congress to the Republicans. By seven votes the Versailles Treaty failed in the Senate.

The President, against the warnings of his doctors, had made a national tour to mobilize public sentiment for the treaty. Exhausted, he suffered a stroke and nearly died. Tenderly nursed by his second wife, Edith Bolling Galt, he lived until 1924.


Dernière édition par le Dim 6 Mai - 9:28, édité 2 fois


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:07

Harry S Truman
Presidential Number: 33rd
Years he was President: 1945-1953
State Represented: Missouri
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He was a captain in World War I. He was Vice President for Franklin Roosevelt.

Birthday: May 8, 1884
School(s) Kansas City Law School
Wife: Bess Truman
Occupation(s) before he was President: Soldier, bank clerk, farmer
Other way(s) he served: US Senator, Vice President
Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Piano, swimming, wrestling

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Airplane, Car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, letters
U.S. Population when term began: 151,325,798
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 48


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:07

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential Number: 34th
Years he was President: 1953-1961
State Represented: New York
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): He was the first president to ride in a helicopter while president.

Birthday: October 14, 1890
School(s) attended: United States Military Academy, West Point, Command and General Staff School, Army War College
Wife: Mamie Eisenhower
Occupation(s) before he was President: Army Officer
Other way(s) he served: Five Star General in World War II, Supreme Allied Commander
Height: 5 feet, 10.5 inches
Favorite Foods: Vegetable soup, steak
Hobbies or Sports: Bridge, fishing, golf, painting

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 151,325,798
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:08

John F. Kennedy
Presidential Number: 35th
Years he was President: 1961-1963
State Represented: Massachusetts
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He liked to swim. He represented Massachusetts in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Birthday: May 29, 1917
School(s) attended: Harvard University
Wife: Jaqueline Kennedy
Occupation(s) before he was President: Journalist, author
Other way(s) he served: Served in Navy, Congressman, U.S. Senator
Height: 6 feet
Favorite Foods: New England clam chowder
Hobbies or Sports: Sailing, swimming, football
Pets: Ponies

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 179,323,031
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:08

Lyndon Johnson
Presidential Number: 36th
Years he was President: 1963-1969
State Represented: Texas
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He signed a civil rights bill, established Great Society programs.

Birthday: August 27, 1908
School(s) attended: Southwest Texas State College, Georgetown University Law School
Wife: Lady Bird Johnson
Occupation(s) before he was President: Teacher, rancher
Other way(s) he served: Congressman, U.S. Senator
Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
Favorite Foods: Ice cream, pancakes, seafood, spinach soufflé, sweet potatoes with toasted marshmallows
Hobbies or Sports: Fishing, hunting, riding
Pets: Dogs, beagles named Him and Her

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 179,323,031
Number of stars on flag when he left office:


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:09

Richard Nixon
Presidential Number: 37th
Years he was President: 1969-1974
State Represented: New York
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): He was president at the end of the Vietnam War.

Birthday: January 9, 1913
School(s) attended: Whittier College, Duke Law School
Wife: Pat Nixon
Occupation(s) before he was President: Lawyer, businessman
Other way(s) he served: Congressman, U.S. Senator
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Bowling, golf, piano
Pets: Dogs, a French poodle named Vicky, a Yorkshire terrier named Pasha and an Irish setter named King Timahoe.

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 203,302,031
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:09

Gerald Ford
Presidential Number: 38th
Years he was President: 1974-1977
State Represented: Michigan
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): He starred on the University of Michigan football team.

Birthday: July 14, 1913
School(s) attended: University of Michigan, Yale Law School
Wife: Betty Ford
Occupation(s) before he was President: Lawyer
Other way(s) he served: Congressman, Vice President
Height: 6 feet
Hobbies or Sports: Golf, jogging, sailing, skiing, swimming
Pets: Dog, a golden retriever named Liberty

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 203,302,031
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:09

Jimmy Carter
Presidential Number: 39th
Years he was President: 1977-1981
State Represented: Georgia
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He has four children. He recently won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Birthday: October 1, 1924
School(s) attended: United States Naval Academy, Union College
Wife: Rosalynn Carter
Occupation(s) before he was President: Peanut farmer and broker
Other way(s) he served: Governor of Georgia, State Senator
Height: 5 feet, 9.5 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Canoeing, fishing, jogging, skiing, softball, swimming, tennis
Pets: His daughter had a cat

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 226,542,199
Number of stars on flag when he left


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:10

Ronald Reagan
Presidential Number: 40th
Years he was President: 1981-1989
State Represented: California
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): He was shot by a would-be assassin and quickly recovered and returned to office.

Birthday: February 6, 1911
School(s) attended: Eureka College (Illinois)
Wife: Nancy Reagan
Occupation(s) before he was President: Radio announcer and commentator, actor and public speaker
Other way(s) he served: Governor of California
Height: 6 feet, 1 inch
Favorite Foods: Jelly beans Hobbies or Sports: Riding, swimming
Pets: Dog named Rex

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Telephone, typed letter
U.S. Population when term began: 226,542,199
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:10

George H.W. Bush
Presidential Number: 41st
Years he was President: 1989-1993
State Represented: Texas
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): When he was 18, he joined the armed forces. He represented Texas in Congress.

Birthday: June 12, 1924
School(s) attended: Yale University
Wife: Barbara Bush
Occupation(s) before he was President: Navy Pilot, businessman
Other way(s) he served: Congressman, United States Ambassador of the United Nations, Ambassador to China, Vice President
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Boating, fishing, golf, horseshoes, jogging, tennis
Pets: Dogs, English Springer Spaniels named C. Fred and Millie

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Letters, phone, email
U.S. Population when term began: 248,718,301
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:11

Lista e emrave te presidenteve ne amerike - Page 2 Bc42

William Clinton
Presidential Number: 42nd
Years he was President: 1993-2001
State Represented: Arkansas
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Fact(s): He was the only president from Arkansas. He played the saxophone. While in high school, he once met President John Kennedy in the White House.

Birthday: August 19, 1946
School(s) attended: Oxford University, Yale Law School
Wife: Hillary Clinton
Occupation(s) before he was President: Lawyer, law professor, State Attorney General
Other way(s) he served: Governor of Arkansas
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Hobbies or Sports: Golf, jogging, saxophone, football
Pets: Dog, a chocolate labrador retriever named Buddy and a cat named Socks.

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Letters, phone, email
U.S. Population when term began: 281,421,906
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50

Dernière édition par le Dim 6 Mai - 9:26, édité 1 fois


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:11

Lista e emrave te presidenteve ne amerike - Page 2 20070505-1_f050507jb-0072jpg-384h

George W. Bush
Presidential Number: 43rd
Years he was President: 2001-Present
State Represented: Texas
Party Affiliation: Republican
Fact(s): Likes baseball. First President to begin serving in the 21st Century.

Birthday: July 6, 1946
School(s) attended: Yale University, Harvard University
Wife: Laura Bush
Occupation(s) before he was President: Businessman, owner of major league baseball team
Other way(s) he served: Governor of Texas
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Favorite Foods: Mexican food
Hobbies or Sports: Baseball, reading and biking
Pets: Dogs, Scottish Terriers Barney and Miss Beazley. He has a cat named India "Willie"

Life in America
How would he have traveled? Helicopter, airplane, car
How would he have communicated with his friends? Letters, phone, email
U.S. Population when term began: 281,421,906
Number of stars on flag when he left office: 50

Dernière édition par le Dim 6 Mai - 9:26, édité 1 fois


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:19

Lista e emrave te presidenteve ne amerike - Page 2 Benjaminharrison


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Message  Perparimi Dim 6 Mai - 9:20


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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