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Leter Frasher Demajs

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Leter Frasher  Demajs Empty Leter Frasher Demajs

Message  Perparimi Sam 14 Juin - 12:59

I nderuari profesor Frasher
Deshta tju beje nje pyetje lidhur me historin e Skenderbeut.
Si ke e mundur qe Skenderbeu te iku nga perandoria osmane dhe ti shkoje ne viset shqiptare?A mos valle kishte leje nga sulltani dhe vatikani qe te emigoje ne viset shqiptare dhe me urdherin e tyre te ushtroje dhune ne konvertimin e muslimaneve ,e fene e te pareve dhe ata qe refuzuan perjetuan masakra ?A ja dini emrat e vellazrive te Skenderbeut?Djali i Skenderbeut si quhet ?Me vajzen e kujt u martue ?A e dini si profesor?
Skenderbeu sa keshtjella kishte ne shqiperi,dhe ne Itali sa?

Skanderbeg's sister Mamica married Serbian lord of Zeta Stefan Crnojevic, and other sister Vlajka married Serbian lord Stefan Balšic

The letter to Skanderbeg:

Giovanni Antonio

ÒGiovanni Antonio, Prince of Taranto, to Georgio albanese, greeting.
(Conveniva a te?), that the luck you had shown in the war with the enemies of the Christian religion, which sometimes had forced combat, then leaving that field, you came to Italy to drive your armies against Christians? What cause do you hold against me? What have I done against you? What controversies do they make between us?
You have spoiled my territories and are crudely giving vent against my subjects, and first you have (mosso?) the war that (proposta?). You boast that you are a great warrior for the Christian religion and (pur?) yet you persecute this (geate?) which for every reason is called Christianity. You have turned your iron against the French of the Kingdom of Sicily. Perhaps you have thought to take the army against the effeminate Turks that you are accustomed to wounding in the back.
You will find other men who all support your proud appearance (?) and no one will avoid your face. Our Italian soldiers will challenge you very well and have no fear of the Albanese. We already know your generation and respect the Albanese like sheep, and it is an embarrassment to have such cowardly people for enemies; (neÕ?) would you have embarked on such a business if you had stayed to dwell in your house.
You have avoided the onslaught of the Turks, and not having the power to defend your own house, have thought to invade other peopleÕs. You are deceitful. Instead of a new house you are looking for your grave.
Ne shqiptaret krijojm mite qe i shendrrojme ne realitete.
çdo lufte qe beren shqiptaret,ate e beren nen flamurin e turqise kjo eshte e vertete.
Dhe se fundi deshiroje tju beje pyetje,Ismail Qemaili çfare funkcsioni kishte ne porten e larte te turqise ?Sami Frasheri a e standardizoi gjuhen turqishte ?A dot kishte mundesi qe Ismail Qemaili dot vinte ne shqiperi e ta shpallte ate pavaresi pa ndihmen e turqise ?A e din te me tregoni;Pse disa popuj roberohen ?Per çfare arsye zhvillohen lufterat çlirimtare ?
A e dini kush ishte protogonisti kryesor ne demostratat e 11 marsit te vitit 1981 qe i nisi demonstratat ne menzen e studenteve.Pse LPK i vodhi meritat e tjereve dhe i la me gishta ne goje?
Ne luften e uçk es a i pranojshin atdhetaret te luftonin ne lufte kundra serbeve?
A jane ma te sigurte ne kosove tradhetaret sot apo atdhetaret?
Ku keni qene ne mardhenje pune gjere ne fillimin e luftes?
A keni qene ne mardhenje pune ne sistemin jugosllave?
Pa qen antar i partise komuniste a ka mundur nje shqiptar te punoje si kurir shkolle ?
Nese diçka nuk eshte reale ju lutemi te me pergjigjeni.
Pershendetje nga
Haxhi Kuçi


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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