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Albin Kurti kryetar i studentave ne kohen e mozamakeqeve

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Albin Kurti kryetar i studentave ne kohen e mozamakeqeve Empty Albin Kurti kryetar i studentave ne kohen e mozamakeqeve

Message  Perparimi Mar 27 Aoû - 10:05

Athua njeriu ne kohen e Milloshit,sidomos atdhetari i qeshtjes madhore,ka pasur mundesi  te zgjidhet kryetar i studenteve ?Po te jesh atdhetar,a do ta kishin lene qarqet serbe te behet kryetar nje shqiptar atdhetar ?
Une kurr nuk munda te arrij te behem dikushi .Sepse nuk pranova gjate jetes sime te behem argat i serbise dhe mbeta ky si kerkushi.Pra as kryetar as kryekar ne Kosove. Pra as   si Albini,as si thaqi,as si Lima,as si Azem Vllasi,i vellau Ali Vllasit qe kishte dashte ta vrasi djalin e Adem Jasharit ne egzod ne  sllovaki ,qe e kam lexue ne burg bashk me femit e mi,ne nje ane te murit.Ne cilin vit ka qen kryetar i unionit studentor zotriu Albin Kurti ?A kuptoni me tru apo me prapanice ju shqiptar kudo qe jetoni.Pa qen argat i serbise,te gjalle ne jete nuk te kan lene,ose te kan distancue nga shpiunat ose ta kan hek flamen.
Zot ne duart e tua qendron fati i ketij popullit te mjeruar.
Biografia e Albin Kurtit ne gjuhen angleze;

News of Albin Kurti's disappearance (April 1999)

Albin Kurti was born on March 24, 1975, in Prishtina, Kosova. He finished primary school (1981-1989) and high school (1989-1993) in Prishtina with
excellent success. In the academic year of 1993/94, he began his studies at the Electrical Faculty of the University of Prishtina. He was an eminent (honors) student.

In August 1997, he became involved in the Students Independent Union of the University of Prishtina (SIUUP) as a member of the presidency. He was the international officer. Albin was also a member of the Organizing Board (at University level) of the students' peaceful protests for the release of University's buildings, which were then held by Serb professors and students. This Board organized four student peaceful protests (1 October 1997, 29 October 1999, 30 December 1997 and 13 March 1998).

During this time, he was invited to meetings in Washington, New York, Brussels, Copenhagen, and the European Parliament in Strasbourg with the purpose of informing the international community about Albanian students' legitimate demands.

He also met with numerous highly placed individuals in international politics, including: Robin Cook (foreign minister of UK), Klaus Kinkel (ex-foreign minister of Germany), Hubert Vedrine (foreign minister of France), Robert Gelbard (special envoy of President Clinton for the Balkans), and with all the ambassadors and embassy representatives of western countries present in Belgrade.

In August 1998, Albin began working in the office of the General Political Representative (GPR) of UÇK, Adem Demaçi, where he served as a translator.

In early March 1999, he quit all activities at SIUUP and at the office of GPR of UÇK in order to continue his university studies.

See these links for more information:


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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