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WikiLeaks Show for kosovo

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WikiLeaks Show for kosovo Empty WikiLeaks Show for kosovo

Message  Perparimi Jeu 9 Déc - 5:20

According to some estimates, some 65% of all the world’s heroin is channeled through the former Serbian province; while 90% of all drugs that reach Europe are shipped via Kosovo.

With the Wikileaks, the world has been given “the gift of information”, a renowned Balkans analyst, Misha Glenny, wrote in his NYT blog. Among some of the most important leaks that Assange and his team released so far, Glenny reminded of the 2005 report of the BND, the German intelligence service, on the ties between Kosovo’s leading politicians and organized crime.“Observers of the former Yugoslavia had known about much of this activity, but the meticulous Teutonic report quickly became an invaluable guide to the grim realities of one of the most unstable areas of Europe”, his blog read.If so – what did the world, or those whose stand matters in Kosovo (e.g. US, EU, UN), do about it? Closed their eyes and proceeded on the already established path, it seems.In 2005, the BND report stated: "Regarding the key players (e.g., Haliti, Thaci, Haradinaj), there exists the close tie between politics, business and internationally operating organized crime structures in Kosovo. The criminal networks behind this are encouraging political instability. They have no interest in building a functioning state, which could interfere with their flourishing trade."In this context, the “trade” relates to drugs, cigarettes and people smuggling. Indeed, despite the large international presence, Kosovo remains the main transit country for opium derivatives, such as heroin, being smuggled from Afghanistan to Europe.The leaked BND 2005 report further analyses the involvement of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) guerrilla leaders, Thaci and Haradinaj in crime networks, stating the close links between the state and organized crime structures were having harmful effects on functioning of legal companies, establishment of new work places, foreign investments, etc.Kosovo’s legal system, with up to 300,000 unresolved cases, is a failure for itself. Or as the Italian journalists Giuseppe Ciulla and Vittorio Romano have put it “Mafia likes fog, like wolves”.But do the people of Kosovo, who were promised “peace and prosperity” once they get rid of Belgrade’s influence, also enjoy living in the fog?Kosovo is just about to have the first general elections, since the unilateral independence proclamation in 2008. Hashim Thaci, allegedly leader of the Drenica mafia clan, and outgoing Prime Minister who leads the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK), is one of the favorites. Ramush Haradinaj, the former Prime Minister, who is currently facing war crimes charges in the Hague Tribunal, stands as the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo. Xhavit Haliti remains an active politician.How does the whistle-blower who leaked the 2005 BND report on Kosovo feel today, I wonder.

Credibility Reach
READ MORE: Misha Glenny, Ramush Haradinaj, Hashim Thaci, Kosovo mafia, Wikileaks, Wikileaks Kosovo, Assange, BND Kosovo, BND, German Intelligence Agency Kosovo, Giuseppe Ciulla, Vittorio Romano, Kosovo: the UNO as a hostage of Mafias and the USA, The wolves in the fog, Kosovo Liberation Army, EULEX, UN Kosovo, Kosovo leaked, Hague, Democratic Party of Kosovo, Drenica clan, Drenica, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Xhavit Haliti, Opium, Kosovo Independence, kosovo elections, organized crimes, Kosovo, Pristina, political-news, War Conflict, Europe, Kosovo&rsquo


03 DEC 2010 / 09:38
Wikileaks: NATO Blocked Kosovo Secret Prison Probe
An investigation into secret CIA prisons in Kosovo was hampered by the alliance's refusal to answer questions, a Wikileaks memo reveals.
Lawrence Marzouk Pristina
A Wikileaks memo says the Council of Europe's Secretary General, Terry Davis, threatened to go public about the use of a NATO facility in Kosovo as a secret prison after the alliance failed to cooperate with a CoE investigation.

According to a memo dated December 2005, the alliance had failed to provide adequate responses to seven requests for information sent by the Council, CoE.

The comments were made in a meeting between Davis and the US ambassador to France. “Given NATO's obstructionism", Davis told the ambassador, "he would have no choice but to "go public" over the issue in early 2006,” the memo reads.

According to the memo, Davis said that Kosovo was a “black hole” for the CoE committee on the Prevention of Torture, CPT, as NATO was not cooperating with his requests for information.

At the time, the CoE rapporteur, Dick Marty, was investigating US use of secret prisons and extraordinary rendition in Europe and in January 2006 he produced his first report.

Extraordinary rendition is the abduction and illegal transfer of a person from one nation to another.

Since 2001, it is believed that the US has used rendition and secret prisons to move terrorist suspects across the world and sometimes to countries where torture is used to extract information, it is alleged.

In the 2006 report, entitled "Alleged Secret Detentions in Council of Europe Member States", the CoE complained that it had not been able to inspect camps in Kosovo.

According to the report, Gil-Robles, the CoE’s Commissioner for Human Rights, had concluded that NATO’s Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo had “many parallels with Guantanamo: prisoners arrested without recourse to any kind of judicial procedure or legal representation”.

Bondsteel is one of the US's largest post-war military bases on foreign soil and is located in southern Kosovo.

The memo released by Wikileaks goes further than the CoE report, saying that it was suspected that the US used Kosovo as a secret CIA prison.

“Davis concluded that others, but not he, had begun to 'connect the dots' and were speculating that Kosovo might be a site for secret CIA prisons free from international scrutiny,” it reads.

A more lengthy CoE report, released in June 2006, entitled "Alleged Secret Detentions and Unlawful Interstate Transfers involving Council of Europe Member States", again described Kosovo as a “black hole” for CoE's inspections.

“This is frankly intolerable, considering that the international intervention in this region was meant to
restore order and lawfulness,” the report said.

The report also revealed that a fax from the Egyptian Ministry of European Affairs, sent to the Egyptian embassy in London, intercepted by Swiss Intelligence Services, listed Kosovo as the site of a CIA secret prison.

NATO has consistently denied the claims. When contacted yesterday, the organisation’s Brussels headquarters refused to comment.


Schlagwörter: Albanien, Almir Rrapo, Griechenland, Ilir meta, Kosovo, Serbien, wikileaks

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