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Leter Presidentit Amerikan Joe Bidenit

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Leter Presidentit Amerikan Joe Bidenit Empty Leter Presidentit Amerikan Joe Bidenit

Message  Perparimi Sam 17 Juil - 16:17

I nderuari President Zotri Joe Biden;Kam nji lutje:
Per çfare arsye qeveria Amerikane gjate luftes i perkrahu neokomunistat shqiptar ne Kosove,e ne shqiperi?
Dhe ua dhuruat pushtetin diktatorial,sikur kur ishim nen okupimin serb,dhe ne kohen e luftes?.
Ajo pjese qe vuanim per liri,per shkolle,per tu punsue,prape edhe ne lufte ,nuk ishin te pershtatshem me u kyq me luftue armikun!
Pra çdo gje e programuar,qe ne mos te mundemi te kyqemi ne lufte,dhe pas sa te mbesim te mekembur,kinse nuk kemi qen ne lufte.
Kjo nuk eshte demokraci njerezore,por tradheti.
Ajo pjesa  shqiptare  qe u shtypte ne kohen e regjimit serbo Titiste, prape po shtypet nga ana e sherbetoreve serbo grek.
Po dua te ju tregoj qe asgje nuk ka ndryshue per ate masen qe dje vuante nga regjimi serb-shqiptar.
Ajo klika shqiptare qe na denonte ne emer te serbise.
Serbia ndoshta edhe ju  i organizuat,qe kjo pjese neokomuniste shqiptare ta krijon uçk en.Por aa dijenin popullit.
Dhe pa dijenin e cakut te asaj luftes!
Edhe ju mesiguri e dini kete racionalet.
Sepse pa lejen e okupatorit apo ndonji shtetit te afer,as dhe nje popull i roberuar nuk ka shanca me krijue nje formacion ushtarak me permbajtje çlirimtare.
Edhe kete e dini ma mire se ne!
Ju lutemi i nderuari President Joe Biden,si Perendise,dhe Senatit te ShBA se.A keni mundesi ju si force e Xhandarmerise njerezore te na ndryshoni jeten e kesaj pjesese se mjeruar,qe vuajtem me shekuj?
Bile edhe ne ti shejoim endrrat e jetes son.
A nuk jemi edhe ne pjese e kesaj shoqeries qe jetojme ne kete toke? 
Ju keni force qe te na  ndryshoni gjendjen,kete e dini edhe ju,sipas se Drejtes Nderkombetare Publike por edhe Bibles,se shejte.
Ju me disa shtete qe jeni ne kosove ,nuk nderrmirrni masa preventive ndaj neokomunistave shqiptar;

Pos shiqoni se si nje pjese e neokomunistave na shtypine ,une mendoj qe kjo shtypje nuk duhet te jete knaqesi.

Ne kjo pjese e papreviligjuar; po vuan per buke,per shkollim e per punesim.Ndersa keta neokomunistat femit e tyre po i dergoin ne Amerike e neper shtete te perendimit per ti shkolluar,femit e tyre..
Kjo pjese e priviligjuar ua kan sigurue buken me mijera vite femive te tyre.
E ne as per nje muaj nuk kemi forca tua siguroim jeten e femive ton,
e mos te flasim per ti shkolluar ne perendim.
Ju qeveria amerikane kete mundesi e keni ne duaret e juaja dhe kur te deshironi keni force per te bere ndryshime thelbesore.

I nderuari President a ka per neve shpres ,qe te na nxen rrezja e diellit?
Per ta shejuar jeten si kjo pjese e priviligjuar,ndere shekuj?
Ne qe luftuam per atdhe,ishim si nje berllog,meritat tona na i vodhen keta neokomunista,qe ju i perkrahni.
Ne mundin,keta na vodhen çdo merite.
Me respekt ma te madhe ;Juve dhe Senatin Amerikan.
Masakren e Raqakut te dates 15 janar 1999 e ka lajmrue perfaqesuesi i OSCES nga shtepia ime te ju Ihasan Aksay.
Ky lajmrim ka qen lutja e ime,por kam mundur edhe te heshti.
Kam organizue ndihma gjate luftes,si ne Suhareke ashtu edhe ne Malisheve.
Askush nuk me falenderon,si njeri humanist e patriot.
Sot jetoi me nje rroge solidare midis frances me 50 euro,dhe bashkshortja ime merr 280 euro.
Nuk ka qen fain im qe nuk kam stazhe te punes,por sa kam qen ne kosove ,ne mardhenje pune nuk me mirreshin edhe pse kisha keto shkolla;
Akademi Pedagogjike te diplomuar ne Prizren.
Tregetine ne Suhareke,
Murator Fasader ne Prishtine
Forograf ne sutjeske
Juridikun ne prishtine
ShNP ,drejtimi Histori Gjeografi ne Gjakove.
Kurr ne mardhenje pune nuk me pranuan pse e kam mbpjte falamurin shqiptar.
NUk them qe serbet me kan malltretue,por pushtetaret shqiptar,keta neokomunista  qe dje ishin sherbetor te serbise e sot sherbetor te juaj.
Dhe ju u besoni qe jan qenje njerezore.
Keta neokomunista jan neodhampira,antinjerezor jo por shpiuna,tradhetar dhe bashkpuntor te secilit okupator.
Kam shperse nga ana e juaja dhe e Senatit Amerikan qe te na dhuroni nje Rreze te Drites se Madhe Vellazerore.
I juai;
Haxhi Latif Kuçi

Honorable President Joe Biden, I have a prayer:
For what reason did the American government during the war support the Albanian neo-communists in Kosovo and in Albania?
And you gave them dictatorial power, as when we were under Serbian occupation, and during the war?
The part we suffered for freedom, for school, for employment, even in war, were not suitable to join the fight against the enemy!
So everything is programmed, so that we can not get involved in the war, and after we remain incapacitated, as if we were not in the war.
This is not human democracy, but betrayal.The Albanian part that was oppressed during the Serbian Titoist regime is still being suppressed by the Serbian-Greek servants.
I want to tell you that nothing has changed for the measure that suffered from the Serbian-Albanian regime yesterday.
That Albanian clique that condemned us on behalf of Serbia.
But did the people know.

And without knowing the target of that war!You probably know this too, rationally.
Because without the permission of the occupier or any close state, not even a captive people has a chance to create a military formation with liberating content.
You know this better than we do!
Please, Honorable President Joe Biden, as God, and the US Senate. Can you, as a force of the human gendarmerie, change the life of this miserable part of us, which has suffered for centuries?
Even we enjoy the dreams of our lives.Are we not also part of this society that lives on this earth?
You have the power to change our situation, you know that, according to Public International Law but also the Bible, it is sacred.
You with some countries that are in Kosovo, do not take preventive measures against the Albanian neo-communists;Just look at how some neo-communists oppress us.
I think this oppression should not be a pleasure.In this unlicensed part; He is suffering for bread, education and employment. While these neo-communists are sending their children to America and to western countries to educate their children.This privileged part has provided bread for their children for thousands of years.
And we do not even have the strength for a month to secure the life of
our children,
not to mention being educated in the west.
You, the US government, have this opportunity in your hands and when you want, you have the power to make fundamental changes.Honorable President, is there any hope for us that sunlight will teach us?
Enjoying life as this privileged part, for centuries?
We who fought for the homeland were like Berlog, our merits were stolen from us by these neo-communists, whom you support.
In work,
these deprive us of any merit.
With the utmost respect, to you and the U.S. Senate.
The Raqak massacre of 15 January 1999 was reported to you by the OSCES representative from my home.His name is,Ihasan Aksay.
This announcement was my prayer,
I organized aid during the war, both in Suhareka and Malisheva.
No one thanks me, as a humanist and patriot.

With respect
Haxhi L Kuçi


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Leter Presidentit Amerikan Joe Bidenit Empty Re: Leter Presidentit Amerikan Joe Bidenit

Message  Perparimi Dim 18 Juil - 11:05

Prayers to His Majesty the Lord,
President of the United States Joe Biden

Your Excellency;Honorable President Joe Biden, I have a prayer:
Why did the American government support the Albanian neo-communists in Kosovo and Albania during the war?
And you gave them dictatorial power, how were we under Serbian occupation, and during the war? They did not take us to work or to war.
The part we suffered for freedom, for school, for employment, even for war, was not fit to join in the fight against the enemy!
So everything is programmed so that we can not get involved in the war.
The point is you were not in the war, you have no place in Kosovo!
This is not human democracy, but betrayal.
So is the war with protection. The Albanian part that was suppressed during the Serbian Titoist regime is still being suppressed by the Serbo-Greek servants.
I want to tell you that nothing has changed about the measure suffered yesterday by the Serbian-Albanian regime.
That Albanian clique that condemned us on behalf of Serbia.
they are oppressing us again.
We did not know the destination of that war! While the neo-communists did! You probably know that too, rationally.
Because without the permission of the occupier or any nearby state, not even a captive captive people has a chance to create a military formation with liberating content.
You know this better than we do!
Please, Honorable President Joe Biden, as God, and the U.S. Senate. Can you, as a force of human gendarmerie, change the life of this miserable part of us, which has suffered for centuries?
We too enjoy the dreams of our lives. Are we not part of this society that lives on this earth?
You have the power to change our situation, you know that, according to International Public Law but also according to the Bible, this change is sacred.You with some countries that are in Kosovo, do not take preventive measures against Albanian neo-communists; Just look at how some neo-communists oppress us.

I think this oppression should not be fun. People, He is suffering for bread, education and employment. While these neo-communists are sending their children to America and western countries to educate their children. This privileged part has provided bread for their children for thousands of years.
And we do not even have the strength for a month to secure the life of
our children,
not to mention being educated in the west.
You, the US government, have this opportunity in your hands and when you want, you have the power to make fundamental changes. Honorable President, is there any hope for us that sunlight will teach us?
Enjoying life as this privileged part, for centuries?
We who fought for the homeland were like Berlog, our merits were stolen from us by these neo-communists, whom you support.
In work,
these deprive us of any merit.
With the utmost respect, to you and the U.S. Senate.
The Raqak massacre of 15 January 1999 was reported to you by the OSCES representative from my home. His name is, Ihasan Aksay.
This announcement was my prayer,
I organized aid during the war, both in Suhareka and Malisheva.
No one thanks me, as a humanist and patriot.
With respect
Haxhi L Kuçi


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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