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Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat

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Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat Empty Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat

Message  Perparimi Dim 1 Sep - 1:33

Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat 52005917_10215979265207143_1990012120950898688_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQksdYROarMSGsP0siQY54H9v3JeK6BgvWK9ZMpoffAfyIjMRShK3XumF6lFUKTJcLsM5mptg5LqW5t0mftGZW_S&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1
Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Dude you know absolutely nothing about what’s going on in America. Save your arm chair politics. 
You need to concentrate on the bullshit going over there in your shithole.

[size=36]Michelle MyBell
Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Dude ju nuk dini absolutisht asgjë në lidhje me atë që po ndodh në Amerikë. Kurseni politikën tuaj karrige krahu.
Ju duhet të përqëndroheni në plumbin që shkon atje lart në sharrën tuaj.xxxxxx

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Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi I haven’t even had breakfast yet and I can tell by your photos that you have to overcompensate for your tiny brain and your tiny penis. Just saying...

[size=36]Michelle MyBell
Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Unë nuk kam ngrënë ende mëngjes dhe mund të them nga fotot tuaja se duhet të teproni për trurin tuaj dhe penisin tuaj të vogël. Vetëm duke thënë ...

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Anthony Acosta Nasim Gashi Italy huh? Are you Italian or are you one of the freeloading migrants that is destroying it?


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Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Well he’s not an American problem for sure. The other countries are bowing down though.

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Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Dude America is being saved already! By Donald Trump! 
He is freeing us! We have been slaves to our government for the last 100 years. 
You can’t possibly know this because you ARE NOT AMERICAN! You do not know what is really going on here. It’s deeper than anyone can imagine. 
They are the cabal and Trump is destroying them. 
Wait and see...[size=16]🍿




Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat Empty Re: Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat

Message  Perparimi Dim 1 Sep - 1:36

Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat 52005917_10215979265207143_1990012120950898688_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQksdYROarMSGsP0siQY54H9v3JeK6BgvWK9ZMpoffAfyIjMRShK3XumF6lFUKTJcLsM5mptg5LqW5t0mftGZW_S&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1
Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Dude America is being saved already! By Donald Trump! 
He is freeing us! We have been slaves to our government for the last 100 years. 
You can’t possibly know this because you ARE NOT AMERICAN! You do not know what is really going on here. It’s deeper than anyone can imagine. 
They are the cabal and Trump is destroying them. 
Wait and see...:popcorn::popcorn:

Amerikanet 100 vjet ishin ne roberi nga Clintonet e Byshat 52005917_10215979265207143_1990012120950898688_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_oc=AQksdYROarMSGsP0siQY54H9v3JeK6BgvWK9ZMpoffAfyIjMRShK3XumF6lFUKTJcLsM5mptg5LqW5t0mftGZW_S&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1
Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Joe Biden will NEVER be President :rofl::rofl:
He’s a pedo and he’s under investigation. He will be jailed or executed soon enough

[size=36]Michelle MyBell
Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Dude America është duke u shpëtuar tashmë! Nga Donald Trump!
Ai po na çliron! Ne kemi qenë skllevër të qeverisë sonë për 100 vitet e fundit.
Ju nuk mund ta dini këtë sepse nuk jeni AMERIKAN! Ju nuk e dini se çfarë po ndodh vërtet këtu. Shtë më e thellë se çdokush mund ta imagjinojë.
Ata janë taksi dhe Trump po i shkatërron ato.
Prisni dhe shihni

Michelle MyBell Nasim Gashi Joe Biden kurrë nuk do të jetë President
Ai është një pedo dhe është nën hetim. Ai do të burgoset ose ekzekutohet mjaft shpejte



Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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