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Message  Perparimi Mer 4 Juil - 3:53

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De : <petitions@earth.care2.com>
Envoyé : dimanche 1 juillet 2007 20:42:03
À : "haxhi kuçi" <perparimi@hotmail.fr>
Objet : Thank you for signing Ban Cluster Bombs: The Weapon That Keeps Killing

| | | Boîte de réception

Dear haxhi kuçi,

Thank you for signing our "Ban Cluster Bombs: The Weapon That Keeps Killing"
petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/352193122.

As the 25,029th person to sign this petition, you are helping us reach our goal
of 25,000 signatures.
If you would like to remove your signature from this petition or you did not
sign this petition, please click here:

You can help make this petition a success - please share this petition with your
friends and family. Petitions will succeed only by word of mouth, and every
signature makes a difference! Forward our sample email below, or simply send
your friends this link: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/352193122

Stay informed: Care2 and ThePetitionSite publish action alerts and updates from
our nonprofit partners by RSS feed. Visit our Action Center for more
information: http://www.care2.com/actionalerts/

Thank you again for making a difference!

Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

P.S. You have received a butterfly from Care2 as a thank you for making a
difference. Why a butterfly? Learn more:

===========Please forward to friends==============

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the petition: "Ban Cluster Bombs: The Weapon That
Keeps Killing"

Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing
the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are
trying to reach 25,000 signatures - please sign here:

Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family
to sign as well.

Thank you!

haxhi kuçi



Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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