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Donald Trump,me shajn e

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Donald Trump,me shajn e Empty Donald Trump,me shajn e

Message  Perparimi Lun 1 Mai - 15:29

Donald Trump,me shajn e 17903454_10158949965035725_3181251005684687258_n
Donald J. Trump
30 min · 
SMALL BUSINESS WEEK 2017 -- This week we celebrate and honor America's small business owners. They work incredibly hard to bring jobs and prosperity to our communities, and we are going to help them continue to grow and thrive! http://bit.ly/2p2cyZ3

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Donald Trump,me shajn e 18268482_10159065808375725_6090376956305048518_n

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Donald Trump,me shajn e 16114743_1915142665383645_4459921191566679240_n
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Donald Trump,me shajn e 16114743_1915142665383645_4459921191566679240_n
Kuçi Kuçi Haxhi Mr.Presindent is the Coward
You are afraid of the Kore of the north.Coward...Voir plus
J’aime · Répondre · 2 · 27 min

Donald Trump,me shajn e 15965368_10208077555966731_7668954089964981006_n
Anita Bruce Shut up you ignorant international buffoon.Voir la traduction
J’aime · Répondre · 1 · 14 min

Donald Trump,me shajn e 16114743_1915142665383645_4459921191566679240_n
Kuçi Kuçi Haxhi Anita Bruce you are Coward..lola
J’aime · Répondre · 12 min

Donald Trump,me shajn e 603095_4970311822280_859154601_n
Barry Burch You are not succeeding at angering anyone, we don't fight with words.Voir la traduction
J’aime · Répondre · 1 · 9 min

Donald Trump,me shajn e 15965368_10208077555966731_7668954089964981006_n
Anita Bruce Kuçi Kuçi Haxhi That would be you gutless wonder. Shut up and go worry about the sewer pit you live in.Voir la traduction
J’aime · Répondre · 4 min

Donald Trump,me shajn e 16114743_1915142665383645_4459921191566679240_n
Kuçi Kuçi Haxhi Anita Bruce You are shit
Je n’aime plus · Répondre · 1 · 1 min

Donald Trump,me shajn e 16114743_1915142665383645_4459921191566679240_n
Kuçi Kuçi Haxhi Anita Bruce Mr.Presindent Donald J. Trump,is the Coward
You are afraid of the Kore of the north.Coward

You are brave with Sirine attack, and Koren malo morgen.Coward

Trump owes Deutsche Bank 300 million dollars, and it's now being investigated for Russian money laundering. Guess who was the chief investigator, fired by Trump?

Donald Trump,me shajn e 1962750_10202502740183049_1393554634_n

Ida Lyon Kuci, time to act like the adult you supposedly are and not a 4 year old. "jillary Clinton"???? really?


Numri i postimeve : 17279
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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