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Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve

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Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve Empty Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve

Message  Perparimi Lun 1 Mai - 8:05

Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve 18199518_10209227417667856_6038651017146106131_n
Hamdi Ndrecaj a partagé un lien.
2 h
Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve Safe_image.php?d=AQA8t9pD8GZFLL3d&w=476&h=249&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.shqiptari.eu%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F05%2Fhamd_10209223264044018_1922844289_n
Për ty Kiko Mladenovski do ta përdorim kanunin si masë ndëshkimi
Polici maqedonas Kiko Mladenovski nga Lagja Kolltuk në Tetovë që kërkon të vritet Ziadin Sela. Sa për t’ia rikujtuar Bishës së Vallandovës e që jeton…

11Vous et 10 autres personnes
Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve 10171618_1385002168456244_964256548418500912_n
Milaim Asaj Jo fjal
J’aime · Répondre · 1 · 2 h
Hamdi Ndrecaj do e perdoron Kanunin ndaj maqedoneve 18193984_1911384565744118_6691584466407295946_n
Cxssrt Dstesr Sqerstr NB:You should never despair in life and especially trusted God, thanks Caroline adriana
You who are looking for loan of money, I do not know how
share with you my joy as being me even looking for a loan.
I stumbled upon a woman by the name of Caroline adriana a business woman
she has provided a loan of $50.000USD and I is spoken has several colleagues who received loans at this lady without worries.
Especially for me, I have received my request of
credit without Protocol and I am very satisfied.
The reason that brings me to published this ad on Facebook telling you that this lady continues to work miracles for people who are really
in need.
So I decided to share this opportunity to
you have no favor with banks or have a
dishonest lenders who make that abuse of a
other persons; you have a project or a need for financing, you can
write and explain your situation; she will help you if it is
convinced of your honesty her email is:


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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