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Donald Trump apo Hillary te njejten politike e kane,si sekre

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Donald Trump apo Hillary te njejten politike e kane,si sekre Empty Donald Trump apo Hillary te njejten politike e kane,si sekre

Message  Perparimi Ven 18 Nov - 18:07

His Flamadawning hisown creator.
May i say O'Lucifer ,who know no sething.
Crist your son.
Who came back from the dead and shed his peacifull light to the race.
and is alive and reigns for ever and ever .
They all say amen
Papa Francis is organizing a new word order religion.
Sunday will be the new word order day of wership.
New here in the Bible is sunday keeping mentioned as a day of rest .
Sunday is satans counterfeit of the biblical Sabbath'saturday)
There are alreody sunday lows an the books of som US State that are not enforced .
But that will soom change.

corinthains;and no marvel,for satan himself is traformed into an angel of light
and all the world wandered after the beast
Meanwhile at the vatican the clergy are singing songs about Lucifer(satan)
beast simbolizes a kingdom
thus he said ,the fourth beast shall be the fourth,kingdom upon earth.
sunday is our mark of authority  the church is above the bible ,and this transference 
of sabbath observance is proof of that fact (catholic record )of London ontario sep,1923

Congratulations to the new task
Mr.Donald Trump,you are awesome.
If Trump as president, it will be good not only for America but for the whole world! I hope that that will be the best president who will celebrate and remember the humanity as such.
Jesus is our savior, But That I believe God is working through Donald Trump Our country to rescue.
God bless you

President-Elect Donald J. Trump Selects U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse To Leave Office If Trump...victory.
Barack Obama has sensationally told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he will NOT vacate the Oval office if Donald J. Trump is elected the 45th President of the United States


Did you know the BSJ is on the internet?

Breaking news

President Obama introduces the 45th and final president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. (JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

President Obama refusing to leave if Trump is elected.
President Obama Confirms He Will Refuse To Leave Office If Trump...
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

British lawmakers hold 3-hour debate on banning Donald Trump
British lawmakers have revealed their distaste for the US politician in a three-hour debate which was held following a petition calling for a ban on his entering the UK. The debate ended without a vote. (18.01.2016)  
Fresh controversy over Donald Trump's first TV campaign ad
US Republican front-runner Donald Trump has unveiled the first TV commercial for his presidential campaign. The ad has sparked controversy by including footage of illegal migrants - filmed in Morocco, not Mexico. (05.01.2016)  
Donald Trump has deceived us.

Donald Trump in 2000 was proposed by the Illuminati,
that in 2016, us becomes president.
With Hillary are cousin.
Donald Trump has deceived us.



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Registration date : 30/04/2006


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