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Obama;if he gets Trump,i not will leave the chair..

 :: politika

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Obama;if he gets Trump,i not will leave the chair.. Empty Obama;if he gets Trump,i not will leave the chair..

Message  Perparimi Ven 18 Nov - 12:46

Barack Obama has sensationally told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he will NOT vacate the Oval office if Donald J. Trump is elected the 45th President of the United States.
Trump Claims Not Deporting Obamas Under Muslim Ban Would Be ‘Discriminatory’

Donald J.Trump;Under my Muslim,President Obama and his family must leave Amerikca .staying would be descriminatory to all other Muslims.


Obama;if he gets Trump,i not will leave the chair.. Trump-Claims-Not-Deporting-Obamas-Under-Muslim-Ban-Would-Be-Discriminatory


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Registration date : 30/04/2006


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