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Donald Trump victoria

 :: politika

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Donald Trump victoria Empty Donald Trump victoria

Message  Perparimi Dim 18 Sep - 16:06

Nasim Gashi There is neither evil nor ashamed to be sick Hillary . Simply, when ill Hillary , there are certain things you should not do. Being President ( e) of the United States , this is a very special work, and very difficult - that's how . Basically, it is sa...Voir plus
J’aime · Répondre · 33 min

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Margaret Flowers Nasir, Gashi, you do know that you have a name that trump wants to get out of this country don't you. You are not one of his chosen citizens. He will deport you faster than your head can spin. If you are not a citizen of my country, You have no right to make any comments in our elections. Please verify where you live and what your nationality is. 
Vote Clinton.
J’aime · Répondre · 14 min · Modifié

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Nasim Gashi Margaret Flowers Hillary Clinton, is Lucifer.
Trump is the American prophet
This is the savior of Americans....Voir plus
J’aime · Répondre · 5 min

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Nasim Gashi Margaret Flowers Hillary;You need help medical !
Jesus is our savior, But That I believe God is working through Donald Trump Our country to rescue.

J’aime · Répondre · 2 min




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