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Pse George Bush atacke afganistan

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Pse George Bush atacke afganistan Empty Pse George Bush atacke afganistan

Message  Perparimi Dim 4 Sep - 16:12

Why Bush attacked Afghanistan and irakiun?

After the US:CIA backed Mujahideen won the sovjet afgan war,by 1986 they ware producing 40% of the world's heroin supply.
By 1999 they war producing 80% of the total marcet supply.

But then something unexspected happened?

The Taliban rose to power ,and by 2000 they had destrojed most of the opium fields .
Production dropped from 3000 tons only 1185 tons;a 94%reduction.
On sept.9the 2001 the full aganistan invasion plans ware on president Bushe's desk.
Two days later they had their excuse .
Today ,opium production in US controlled afganistan which now provides more than 90 percent of the worllds 
heroin breaks new production records nearli every yar.
The controlled demolition of world Trade center seven 09.11.2001
Problem global fo grupps Billderberg
Bernard Liertaer sist.mon.BE.

ust days before 9/11
The Pentagon revealed claims by accused Al-Quaeda bomb-maker Thursday
Ghassan Abdallah al-Sharbi told review board about 2001 conversation
Said religious figures from Saudi Arabia said 'your highness' on the phone
That person then urged al-Sharbi to join a plot against the US, prisoner said
Al-Sharbi agreed to return to the US but never did for unknown reasons

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3793926/Guantanamo-prisoner-says-Saudi-royal-involved-terrorism.html#ixzz4KahliDAv
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And if so, is not, then what the American did not attack Saud. Arabia than Afghanistan? From the burning plane that broke apart on impact in the building, where the temperature is Vishik smelted iron structure of the building, fell out not damaged passports to the ground. And this is supposed to serve as a common proof?
What about the Bush and Clinton now?If intelligence had allegedly knowing who is guilty, why they did not attack Saudi Arabia, but Afghanistan?
,lively arguments here.After the US:CIA backed Mujahideen won the sovjet afgan war,by 1986 they ware producing 40% of the world's heroin supply.
By 1999 they war producing 80% of the total marcet supply.



Dernière édition par Perparimi le Sam 15 Oct - 5:23, édité 2 fois


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Pse George Bush atacke afganistan Empty Re: Pse George Bush atacke afganistan

Message  Perparimi Dim 18 Sep - 2:37

just days before 9/11
The Pentagon revealed claims by accused Al-Quaeda bomb-maker Thursday
Ghassan Abdallah al-Sharbi told review board about 2001 conversation
Said religious figures from Saudi Arabia said 'your highness' on the phone
That person then urged al-Sharbi to join a plot against the US, prisoner said
Al-Sharbi agreed to return to the US but never did for unknown reasons

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3793926/Guantanamo-prisoner-says-Saudi-royal-involved-terrorism.html#ixzz4KahliDAv
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And if so, is not, then what the American did not attack Saud. Arabia than Afghanistan? From the burning plane that broke apart on impact in the building, where the temperature is Vishik smelted iron structure of the building, fell out not damaged passports to the ground. And this is supposed to serve as a common proof?
What about the Bush and Clinton now?If intelligence had allegedly knowing who is guilty, why they did not attack Saudi Arabia, but Afghanistan?
,lively arguments here.After the US:CIA backed Mujahideen won the sovjet afgan war,by 1986 they ware producing 40% of the world's heroin supply.
By 1999 they war producing 80% of the total marcet supply.

But then something unexspected happened?

The Taliban rose to power ,and by 2000 they had destrojed most of the opium fields .
Production dropped from 3000 tons only 1185 tons;a 94%reduction.
On sept.9the 2001 the full aganistan invasion plans ware on president Bushe's desk.
Two days later they had their excuse .
Today ,opium production in US controlled afganistan which now provides more than 90 percent of the worllds
heroin breaks new production records nearli every yar.
The controlled demolition of world Trade center seven 09.11.2001
Problem global fo grupps Billderberg
Bernard Liertaer sist.mon.BE.


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Pse George Bush atacke afganistan Empty Re: Pse George Bush atacke afganistan

Message  Perparimi Dim 18 Sep - 2:37

just days before 9/11
The Pentagon revealed claims by accused Al-Quaeda bomb-maker Thursday
Ghassan Abdallah al-Sharbi told review board about 2001 conversation
Said religious figures from Saudi Arabia said 'your highness' on the phone
That person then urged al-Sharbi to join a plot against the US, prisoner said
Al-Sharbi agreed to return to the US but never did for unknown reasons

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3793926/Guantanamo-prisoner-says-Saudi-royal-involved-terrorism.html#ixzz4KahliDAv
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And if so, is not, then what the American did not attack Saud. Arabia than Afghanistan? From the burning plane that broke apart on impact in the building, where the temperature is Vishik smelted iron structure of the building, fell out not damaged passports to the ground. And this is supposed to serve as a common proof?
What about the Bush and Clinton now?If intelligence had allegedly knowing who is guilty, why they did not attack Saudi Arabia, but Afghanistan?
,lively arguments here.After the US:CIA backed Mujahideen won the sovjet afgan war,by 1986 they ware producing 40% of the world's heroin supply.
By 1999 they war producing 80% of the total marcet supply.

But then something unexspected happened?

The Taliban rose to power ,and by 2000 they had destrojed most of the opium fields .
Production dropped from 3000 tons only 1185 tons;a 94%reduction.
On sept.9the 2001 the full aganistan invasion plans ware on president Bushe's desk.
Two days later they had their excuse .
Today ,opium production in US controlled afganistan which now provides more than 90 percent of the worllds
heroin breaks new production records nearli every yar.
The controlled demolition of world Trade center seven 09.11.2001
Problem global fo grupps Billderberg
Bernard Liertaer sist.mon.BE.


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Pse George Bush atacke afganistan Empty Re: Pse George Bush atacke afganistan

Message  Perparimi Ven 7 Oct - 19:32

Mardhenjet  shoqerore mes Bushit e Osama Bin Ladenit


Numri i postimeve : 17280
Registration date : 30/04/2006


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Pse George Bush atacke afganistan Empty Re: Pse George Bush atacke afganistan

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