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Bush its of Hitler

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Bush its of Hitler Empty Bush its of Hitler

Message  Perparimi Jeu 11 Sep - 14:08


Washington, D.C. parents are up in arms today after a sixth-grade teacher sent students home with Venn diagrams comparing Adolf Hitler and former president George W. Bush.

“Here’s a 6th grade assignment in DC asking students to compare President Bush to Hitler. This is so wrong,” one parent wrote on Twitter.

“Now that we have read about two men who have abused their power in various ways, we will compare and contrast them,” the assignment states.

Shortly after the image began spreading across the Internet, the D.C. Public School board began covering their tracks.

“No DCPS curriculum materials suggest in any way that teachers should compare the texts in this manner or compare Hitler to any other individual,” DCPS said in a statement.

“The teacher admits to extremely poor judgment and short sightedness and will apologize to students. The school will also send a letter home to families explaining the incident and offering to address any additional questions
Bush its of Hitler Untitled75

should they arise,” they said.

Here's a 6th grade assignment in DC asking students to compare President Bush to Hitler. This is so wrong. http://t.co/YUfUbIyqkR—
Matt A. (@mattashburn) September 10, 2014

- See more at: http://rare.us/story/teacher-asks-middle-schoolers-to-compare-hitler-and-bush-for-homework/#sthash.91Yr6tWB.dpuf

The WMDs were there. Saddam used them against the Kurds. Then he shipped them to Syria who used them just recently against its own people. ISIS captured the production plant briefly a couple of months ago. You forget, Weapons of Mass Destruction include Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC). During the First Gulf War they were used against Coalition Forces. My brother was there. He saw the litmus paper change, indicating the presence of chemical agents during attacks. People need to stop saying the WMDs did not exist. They just didn't find them because Saddam moved them. It's the reason he kept denying entry to the UN inspectors. My brothe died of leukemia in 1995. I believe it was the result of his exposure to WMDs. Your government is lying to you once again!


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Registration date : 30/04/2006


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